Let's turn $30,000 into $60,000 for Birth Detroit!

Lead with us by donating today!

Let's turn $30,000 into $60,000 for Birth Detroit! image


raised towards $60,000 goal



Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Lead with us by donating today!

Birth Detroit makes community-based midwifery care accessible to Detroit families.

Birth Detroit Program Director Elon with Birth Detroit Care Mama and BabyBirth Detroit Program Director & Co-Founder Elon with Birth Detroit Care mama Akilia and baby Kruz, October 2021

“Being a part of Birth Detroit, I want to invite everyone to come and lead with us. Because that’s what we’re doing. We’re leading a whole movement.” - Sharmika, Birth Detroit Care client

"When I lead, I lead with my community, my sisters, my mother, my goddaughters, my village in mind. Health is not just a privilege but it is a right for every person, especially during the perinatal reproductive period of life. This work cannot be done alone. If we want to go far, we must go together. Supporting Birth Detroit means saying the village is here, the children will be well and the parents are supported and cared for. That is the work of Birth Detroit: to create safety, to create quality and make it accessible for everyone.” - Elon, Birth Detroit Program Director and Co-Founder

Birth Detroit Clinical Care Team in October 2021

Part of the Birth Detroit Care Clinical Team, October 2021

We invite you to lead with us in making midwifery care accessible to all families who want it.

Thanks to Birth Center Equity, Sweet Momma Yoga, and a generous donor, $30,000 will be matched dollar-for-dollar for Birth Detroit during our year-end fundraising and storytelling campaign.

Birth Detroit is a nonprofit corporation with tax-exempt status (EIN 84-2980807) as an IRS Section 501(c)(3) public charity. You can donate via this website, PayPal, or send checks payable to Birth Detroit to: Birth Detroit, PO Box 19727, Detroit, MI 48219.

Please consider making a monthly donation.

Birth Detroit is working on many projects - Birth Detroit Care, childbirth education, the Birth Detroit Birth Justice and Policy Agenda, and birth center planning. Monthly donations enable us to focus on our mission of midwifing safe, quality, loving care through pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Your donations support:

  • $10: provides healthy snacks for a Birth Detroit Care family
  • $50: covers transportation to and from Birth Detroit Care for a family
  • $100: pays for a prenatal appointment at Birth Detroit Care
  • $200: covers a 6-class Childbirth Education series for one family
  • $500: provides doula support to a Birth Detroit Care family

Birth Detroit Care is the only clinic of its kind in Detroit -- community-based midwifery care led by Black midwives. Since opening in October 2020, twenty Birth Detroit Care babies have been born.

Childbirth education classes are making an impact: 100 birthing people and their partners have participated in virtual childbirth education. Birth Detroit’s childbirth education classes have a 90% retention rate.

Birth Detroit developed a Birth Justice and Policy Agenda to increase accessibility of midwifery care. Birth Detroit is leading the Michigan team in the Medicaid and Midwifery Learning Collaborative, a rare chance for leaders from state Medicaid agencies, Medicaid health plans, midwifery practices, and community organizations to determine long-term solutions to integrating, implementing, and funding midwifery-led care.

Birth center planning is moving right along: in 2022, Birth Detroit will launch a capital campaign to raise money to open the Birth Detroit Birth Center.